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Cancer Screening

Cancer screening can help spot cancers at an early stage, when treatment is more likely to be successful, and prevent cancer from developing.

There are 3 national screening programmes in the UK:

  • Bowel cancer screening is offered to people starting from the age of 50-60 up to 74 in England and Wales.
  • Breast cancer screening is offered to women (including some transgender women), some transgender men and some non-binary people aged 50-70 in the UK.
  • Cervical screening is offered to women, some transgender men and some non-binary people aged 25-64 in the UK.

The screening is FREE and we can arrange your cervical screening (smear test/PAP test) at the practice.

For more information or to find out whether you’re eligible, click the following link: Screening for cancer | Cancer Research UK

  • Free Lung Health Checks are also available in Merton for people aged between 55-74 who smoke or used to smoke.

For more information and to request to be screened, click on Merton – Lung Health Checks West London (